About Us
ACMA (SA) was founded in 1992. The Association promotes professional and social exchanges within the local medical community. It is also strongly represented in the wider society through a variety of community activities. We currently have about 150 members. Over one-third of our members are GPs, over another third are specialists and the remainder resident medical officers and medical students.
The Association has major events throughout the calendar. The annual Chinese New Year celebration has been hosted via our major sponsor Adelaide BMW at their showroom on West Terrace for the last few years. It is always a spectacular evening with firecrackers and entertainment fitting to farewell the old and welcomes the new Lunar year.
The Annual Scientific Meeting is also another important date on the calendar. The content of the meetings are varied to encompass different topics in medicine and surgery, with a focus on current scientific and clinical knowledge.
The ACMA Foundation is the charity arm of the association. Since 2008, the Foundation has been honored with the patronage of His Excellency the Governor of SA, Mr Hieu Van Le.
Every November, a major fundraising gala dinner invites members, sponsors and distinguished guests to the event, all in the name of charity for both various worthy causes. For a perusal of the Foundation activities, please visit the relevant website section.
Our corporate sponsorship from Dewings, assist in providing our membes with a comprehensive, experienced and professional tailored accountancy service for medical professionals.
In 2012, a strategic partnership with AMA (SA) was formalised.
The Association is a vibrant, united and growing organization, thanks to the hard-working organizing committee, and of course the steady support of all its members and our sponsors. The future of ACMA (SA) appears secure and bright, with increasing memberships among the up-coming younger generation of doctors and medical students, whom no doubt will continue the tradition of ACMA and lead us with renewed confidence and energy.