ACMA (SA) Chinese New Year Dinner 2025

ACMA(SA) 2025 Chinese New Year Dinner - Year of the Snake

DATE:           Saturday 8 February 2025
VENUE:        Adelaide BMW, West Terrace, Adelaide -
                     ENTRY VIA PHILIP STREET ONLY
TIME:            6.30pm Arrival
                     7.00pm Dinner
Member / Spouse and children of Member: $ 180 (using the promo code below - STRICTLY FOR ACMA(SA) FINANCIAL MEMBERS ONLY)
Non Members          $  220
Table of 10 CORPORATE / Non-Members: $ 2,200 (can be booked and attended by non-members)
Book:                         Using the BOOK NOW button in this email

TABLES OF 10 - Should you wish to gather friends and colleagues to form a Table of 10 please follow the steps below:

  1. Provide your guests with the Trybooking link
    and ask your guest to book and pay for their tickets either as Members or Non-Members appropriately

  2. Only provide the promo code CNYMEMBER40 to those you know to be ACMA(SA) Members

  3. Advise all your guests to nominate YOU as their Table Captain when making their booking

  4. Send Tracey an email advising you are nominating yourself as Table Captain, with the names of your guests (so she can keep track of your table).

  5. NOTE that ONLY members may use the promo code to gain the discounted ticket price. Tracey will check eligibility of each booking

BYO available and encouraged!!  
No Corkage charge.
 Includes BYO Beer, BYO wines and BYO spirits

Roast pork belly

Vinaigrette salad
Crab claw with sweet and sour sauce
Steam half shell scallops
Prawn spring roll
Half Australian lobster tail with noodles
Cantonese fried rice
Steam barramundi
Three cup chicken
Pandan pannacotta with coconut milk and mango

PLEASE ASSIST BY PAYING YOUR  2024/2025 MEMBERSHIP DUES Prior to the event using the MEMBERSHIP button below

If you are unsure of your Membership status, please contact the secretariat.

2024 was a sell out event - so please BOOK EARLY to avoid disappointment.


Australasian Council of Chinese Medical Associations (ACCMA) Annual Scientific Meeting and Conference 2025
