Legacy's Remembrance Walk
Legacy's RLegacy’s Remembrance Walk is a time to reflect and an opportunity to raise awareness and much needed funds for Legacy, one of Australia’s oldest and most respected charities. Legacy’s Remembrance Walk is designed to help the community understand what Legacy does, who Legacy helps, and to remember the sacrifices of our Australian Defence Force and their families.
Spare an hour of your day to say thank you to our veterans and their families.
Friday 8th November at 7:30am, join His Excellency, the Honorable Hieu Van Le, Governor of South Australia as he officially start the 1.5 km walk from the Torrens Parade Ground, Victoria Drive. Then follow the amazing Australian Light Horse Brigade mounted troops up King William St, along North Tce to Kintore Ave along the Anzac Memorial Walk finishing with a light Legacy BBQ breakfast and an exhibition showcasing Legacy’s history through stories, photos and memorabilia from our Legacy families, young and old.
Let's get everyone walking, from individuals to corporate groups, schools, social and sporting clubs, to raise much needed funds to help Legacy support over 5000 veterans' families.
REGISTER now to take advantage of the early bird rates.emembrance Walk